We had our cleanup with Wenonah Boy Scout Troop 50 this morning. The turnout was rather small, only 7 people- 2 scouts, 2 scout leaders, 1 parent, 1 land trust volunteer and myself for the Friends. Nevertheless we got the job done. The amount of trash in the park was fairly light. We collected 11 lbs. of trash and 8.75 lbs. of recyclables.
There have been a number of recent improvements at the Preserve. The Certified Gardeners have done plantings around the Preserve sign, a number of broad paths have been mowed and stone and rail fencing have been placed where the trails pass by the upper ponds. The lowland trail to the upper bridge has been scraped of mud and is walkable. There were wildflowers blooming in the meadows and quite a few people out enjoying the day. I have never seen Tall Pines look better.